Pathivu v1.4.3 - Multi-Purpose Booking Management Template (HTML + Laravel + Vue + Angular + React)
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Từ khóa: beauty saloon bookings, booking template, college bookings template, counseling booking template, event bookings template, library booking template, multipurpose booking template, nail salon bookings template, Restaurant booking template, school booking template, spa bookings template, spiritual bookings template, sports bookings template, university booking template, yoga template
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Get an online course booking template from Pathivu that is built with Laravel and fully responsive. Online popular courses taught by experts. So, you will need to find them by yourself. Book an online video tutorial and search a suitable professor details via Pathivu right away!
Note: This is a template only. Not a Full Functional Product.
Live Demo: https://pathivu.dreamstechnologies.com/
Instructor’s Features
- Professor Dashboard
- Course details
- Appointment details
- Schedule timing
- Student List
- Chat
- Invoices
- Profile Setting
- Reviews
Student’s Features
- Professor List
- Professor Profile
- Bookings
- Dashoard
- Favourite option
- Profile settings
- Search Professor option
Pathivu Special features
- Voice calls
- Video calls
- Calendar
- Login and Signup
- Invoice Details
- Login and Register
- Blog
- User friendly search
- Fully Resposive
- SEO Friendly
- Popular Course
- Top Instructor
- Golf Courses Booking
- Events Booking
- Nail Salon Booking
- Counselling Booking
- Spa Salon Booking
- Beauty Salon Booking
- Library Booking
- new
What will you get?
- Template Source Code
- Documentation in HTML
- Reliable Technical Support System
- Lifetime Template Updates
General Inquiry or Get Support?
- Support Time: Monday – Friday
- Response Time: Maximum 24 hours
- We are in GMT +05.30 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays
- In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours
- We don’t offer a refund. (if template is already downloaded)
- Please read the description and version compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.
- Preview Images are for demo purpose only, not included in the package.
- Custom code, CSS changes, and feature additions/modifications are outside the scope of item support, as per Envato’s policy
- Please check respective demos of the particular version you are planning to buy. Ask questions by comment or send the details to support@dreamstechnologies.com.
Get free lifetime updates
Our Pathivu template purchase includes free lifetime updates, offering ongoing access to enhancements and new features at no additional cost.
v1.4.3(25 NOV 2022)
- Reduced multiple template as a single html template
v1.4.2(18 JAN 2022)
- Changed vuejs version 2 to 3 - Changed bootstrap version 4 to 5 Vuejs template
v1.4.1(03 JAN 2022)
- Changed bootstrap version 4 to 5 html template
v1.4 (17 DEC 2021)
- Changed Laravel version 7 to 8 - Changed Angular version 11 to 12
v1.3 (10 May 2021)
- Reactjs, Vuejs and Angularjs template files added
v1.2 (27 April 2021)
- Laravel template files added
v1.1 (9 April 2021)
- New template files added
v1.0 (29 MAR 2021)
- Initial Release